Township of Esquimalt


Township of Esquimalt

1229 Esquimalt Rd
Victoria, BC V9A 3P1 | map | directions
Terése Finegan Terése Finegan
(250) 414-7164 | (672) 974-7216 | fax: (250) 414-7111
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Esquimalt is located in the heart of the Capital Regional District on the southern tip of Vancouver Island four kilometres west of the City of Victoria.

Esquimalt's name is derived from a local First Nations expression "Es-whoy-malth," which means the place of gradually shoaling water.  The municipality was incorporated in 1912 and comprises approximately 1006 hectacres (2,485 acres) of land and water. Water figures prominently in Esquimalt’s history, location and residents’ lifestyles.

Esquimalt is the home of Canada’s naval presence on the West Coast and was first used by the Royal Navy as early as 1837. The original Esquimalt townsite has long since disappeared inside the boundaries of the Canadian Forces Base, which is now the community’s largest employer.

Today, 17,000 people live in Esquimalt’s varied residential neighbourhoods and enjoy its many amenities including beautiful parks and beaches, scenic waterfront walkways, modern recreational facilities, schools, library, archives, and commercial services. Although it’s an established community, the Township still provides opportunities for new commercial, industrial and residential developments.

Member Since: 2020
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