Success Biz Coach


Success Biz Coach

501 - 70 Saghalie Rd
Victoria, BC V9A 0G9 | map | directions
Kerry Brown Kerry Brown
(250) 658-1904 | (250) 658-1904

Coaching and training for business owners, leaders, and their teams.

It’s lonely at the top, but you don’t have to go it alone. As Certified Business and Leadership Coaches, we have a proven record of success coaching and training a variety of leaders and companies worldwide. 

We have a vast range of personal experience in business ownership, leadership development, and the creation of high performance teams. We’ve been in the trenches, and we understand how to help you dig deep into the issues you face. We’ll help you create the right strategy to propel you forward, and guide you whenever you’re unclear about the next steps or feel ready to give up. 

As your results-focused champion, our proven coaching programs and assessments will inspire you to keep on the path toward your dreams, supporting and inspiring you every step of the way.


We’ll help you:

Get clarity on the real issues

✔ Grow your business with bigger and better clients

✔ Develop more effective, engaged employees

✔ Attract and retain talent

✔ Grow your business with a plan

✔ Hold you accountable to execute on your plans

✔ Navigate difficult decisions or organizational change

✔ Improve operations and implement systems

✔ Remove bottlenecks so that you get your time back

✔ Hire and train the right team and eliminate people problems

✔ Create a company culture of innovation and agility

✔ Become a better leader

✔ Overcome cash flow issues and become more profitable

✔ Improve your business so you can get your life back



Member Since: 2010
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